HeyHolly is the product of over a decade of friendship. Cruise was sent to the front office to show Bryce around for his first day of school in year 6 and the stars aligned.
“We have always connected and seen eye to eye with pretty much everything, music just so happens to be something we are both so passionate and in tune with.”
In August 2021 Cruise and Bryce decided to buckle down and stop making broken promises about chasing a career in music. Bryce found himself leaving a long term (5 year) relationship and was in a dark place facing a great deal of hurt and betrayal. Bryce needed a pick-me-up and Cruise was just that.
“All it took was Cruise showing me one beat with a crazy hook, he started belting out and I was spitting some bars over it and we both knew it was game on. We quickly hit up our amazing producer Jethro and the rest is history.”
Since their debut release in 2022, HeyHolly supported WOMBAT on his 2023 Australian Tour in Adelaide, gained international press and made their national radio debut with K-Sera on CADA.
When speaking on “Fallout” Bryce and Cruise share “the process started back in November 2021, towards the end of a world pandemic. We were very frustrated with how easily the world could shut down and turn even the best of friends to enemies. Fallout was our way of expressing feelings and emotions individuals may be experiencing at the time if things proceeded to escalate on Earth. We took inspiration for things we are passionate about in both the movie and game industry and shaped our lyrics around what was current on the eve of 2022 and what others have created countless times before, while putting our own feelings into a “fallout universe” happy to say we are glad things are back to somewhat normal now in 2024, we really thought we were writing history for a minute there.”
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