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Is Ron DeSantis Losing Support to Vivek After Publicizing Views on Israel?

For those who thought Vivek Ramaswamy, a millennial presidential candidate, was a longshot, think again. Vivek Ramaswamy is winning the hearts of Americans all across the country. His willingness to make appearances on leftist media and even smaller podcasters are resonating fairly well with those of us who are paying attention. And I must admit, Vivek is truly giving DeSantis a run for his money.

Now, let me just say this. I was in favor of Ron DeSantis even before he put in his bid for president of the United States. Ron DeSantis's resume is so impressive that I would go so far as to say he's the only American up there actually running for president. But, let me draw back a bit. It was when DeSantis aired out and exposed the DEI and ESG agendas by the left that helped me come to the realization that everything I've suspected from my young adulthood was, in fact, true.Ron DeSantis helped me understand the distinctions between liberals and conservatives. So, I'm thankful to him for opening my eyes to how the world of politics (in America) works. I respect the fact that DeSantis is primarily the only candidate who is not afraid to speak up for parents and families. However, with all the recent news surrounding Israel, Ron DeSantis has also revealed what true American interests really are...white supremacy. 

When it came to DeSantis talking about domestic issues and solving problems here at home, he had my full attention and support. But, his stance on Israel prompts so many questions. We've never seen this type of urgency from a politician for any of the civil rights crisis African Americans have endured in the United States. Ron DeSantis now gives me "old establishment" vibes. Like, he has no problem maintaining this farce of a country that has a history of stealing, killing, and destroying. Yet, Vivek, on the other hand, seems more concerned about the challenges we face as a nation here at home. Vivek Ramaswamy gives off a much more receptive vibe to his audiences, whereas DeSantis' personality is somewhat inhibiting. 

Ron DeSantis is the perfect example for the phrase "you can't have your cake and eat it, too." In other words, he reminds me that even the most compelling candidate may not check all the boxes for a given voter. Vivek has been probably the most forthcoming of all the republican nominee candidates, making appearances on leftist media and not backing down from passive banter. I think it surprises people when they listen to Vivek and realize how politically mindful he is. I get the vibe he's not just running off of his past successes, but actually has a vision for the country. And with all the old farts we've had as president, Vivek just might be the change America needs. Young leadership. And not just any young leadership, but leaders who have been tried and true in their own industries. I give a lot of credit to Ron DeSantis, but his political views are posing a natural conflict of interest to a point where almost nothing seems salvageable. 

I appreciate Ron DeSantis showing up on Patrick Bet-David's podcast, but now I want to see him take the heat on Breakfast Club. I am of the opinion that Ron's political views on Israel is a stumbling block for his presidential candidacy. I'm not quite set on who I'm going to vote for, but it should be interesting. Oh, and for the record, Newsom is no match for DeSantis in a debate.



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