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Jim Jordan should not be House Speaker, he should be an indicted co-defendant in Trump’s attempted coup case

Mod: Is Trump's endorsement a reward for Gym's insurrectionary services Jan 6?

Jim Jordan should not be Speaker, he should be a co-defendant in Trump’s attempted coup case (The Dean's Report link): On Wednesday, GOP Rep. Jim Jordan announced he’s running for Speaker of the House. In reality, the only thing Jordan should be announcing is how he pleas in response to criminal charges for being part of Donald Trump’s illegal effort to overturn the 2020 election.

Let’s be very clear: No member of Congress was more involved in Trump’s attempted coup than Jordan. We know that by the way of the House Jan 6 committee report which detailed Jordan’s actions. As the Jan 6 committee’s final report bluntly states, Jordan was "a significant player in President Trump's efforts" to overturn the election.  

For starters, the report details that Jordan “spread lies about the election,” such as when he travelled from his home state of Ohio to speak “at a “Stop the Steal” rally in front of the Pennsylvania State capitol in Harrisburg, just days after the November election.” Jordan also trafficked in election lies “during interviews with friendly media outlets.”

But Jordan’s actions went far beyond amplifying Trump’s election lies. He was one of the key players in plotting to prevent Congress from certifying Biden’s victory.  

As the Jan 6 report explains, Jordan “participated in numerous post-election meetings in which senior White House officials, Rudolph Giuliani, and others, discussed strategies for challenging the election, chief among them claims that the election had been tainted by fraud.” As Jordan knew full well, the election had not been “tainted by fraud” as every court that considered Trump and his allies claims to overturn the results back up.

Jordan was so integral to Trump’s plan that Trump praised him to DOJ officials just a week before the Jan 6 attack. As the report notes, during a December 27, 2020, phone call between Trump and Acting Attorney General Rosen -- as Trump was trying to enlist DOJ’s efforts in his coup -- he praised Jordan as a “fighter."

Jordan refused to comply with the committee’s subpoena seeking his testimony. Given the committee was winding down in December with the new GOP controlled House taking control come Jan 3, the most the committee could do was refer Jordan -- and other Republicans who did the same like Kevin McCarthy -- to the House Ethics committee.

As the report noted, if Jordan and others who ignored the subpoenas are  “left unpunished,” it “undermines Congress’s longstanding power to investigate in support of its lawmaking authority.”

Mod: More of this excellent article is available at the link.
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