Grimstyles on Working With Producer Mister K.A. "He Whipped Up The Beat And Sent It Back In 48 Hours"

Mistah Wilson: Mannn, we go all tha way back to when you dropped your music video for "Strong". I watched it tha other day and it is just so inspirational. You truly are a testament of strength and determination. What was it like making this song and shooting tha video for it?
Grimstyles: Man! Has it been that long?! Wow! I found inspiration for that song in adversity. Everyone goes through adversity at some point in their lives: Whether it's passing a test in school, or winning a football or baseball game - we all have experienced adversity. One night I was talking with a producer out of Boston, Massachusetts by the name of Mister K.A. and I told him this idea I had for a song. He whipped up the beat and sent it back to me in forty-eight hours, and we were off. I wanted to create a song that everyone could relate to and here we are! When it came to filming it, I drew inspiration from the rapper Hopsin; I was watching one of his videos where he was wandering around in a desert pondering the meaning of life. I took that concept and put my own spin on it - I spend the duration of the video trying to spread my own message of positivity.
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