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Then President Trump Admitted to Sharing Intelligence from Israel with Russia - Israelis feared it would end up in the hands of Iran.

Mod: Yes, there are consequences for electing a traitor. We are seeing that today in the Middle East. 

FLASHBACK: Trump Admitted to Sharing Classified Intelligence from Israel with Russia (Meidas Touch link): Following the attacks by Hamas against Israel on Saturday, it’s worth revisiting a foreign policy disaster by Donald Trump that has major implications on the events we are witnessing today.

In 2017, Donald Trump divulged classified intelligence about Israeli’s Mossad spy agency and ISIS to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during a meeting at The White House. Trump admitted to sharing the confidential intelligence, tweeting that he had an “absolute right” to do so. 
While he may have had the right to share intelligence while he was president, that doesn’t mean that sharing confidential intelligence from Israel with our adversaries was the right thing to do. noted in a 2017 article:

“Just days before President Donald Trump’s arrival in Tel Aviv, Israeli intelligence officials were shouting at their American counterparts in meetings, furious over news that the U.S. commander in chief may have compromised a vital source of information on the Islamic State and possibly Iran, according to a U.S. defense official in military planning. “To them, it’s horrifying,” the official, who attended the meetings, told Foreign Policy. “Their first question was: ‘What is going on? What is this?’”

The New York Times warned at the time that this intelligence could end up in the hands of Israel’s enemies such as Iran.

"Mr. Trump’s boasting about some of Israel’s most sensitive information to the Russians could damage the relationship between the two countries and raises the possibility that the information could be passed to Iran, Russia’s close ally and Israel’s main threat in the region,” the Times wrote in a contemporaneous article.

The Times also noted that Trump’s revelation of classified Israeli intel could expose the source of the information and the manner in which it had been collected, worrying intelligence officials.

In addition to meetings with Lavrov and Kislyak, Donald Trump met with Vladimir Putin at least 5 times without other officials present during his presidency. With no record of these conversations and Donald Trump’s penchant for sharing classified intelligence, experts worry about what was revealed during the course of these meetings and how they may have impacted our national security and that of the world in the time since.

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