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Marvi: Meet the Artist Writer and Actress


New Pop/R&B artist Marvi discusses next steps after successful single “ In My Head”

Today, we had the privilege of talking to Marvi also known as Marvellous (real name Marvellous Aigbedion).

I was so excited when I discovered her song on Spotify and decided to reach out to her via Instagram for an interview.

With such a unique Pop/R&B style, I couldn’t wait to ask her questions about her career and how it’s going. 

At the age of only 19, she has already managed to gain over 100k streams on some of her songs, which is just incredible.

I could sense her loving, passionate energy the moment I spoke to her.

Hi Marvellous, hope you're doing well, I’m so happy you were able to come speak to us today! I just wanted to ask you a few questions. I’d like to start off by saying what a beautiful name you have. From my understanding, your name is Marvellous, but your stage name is Marvi?


Yes, my real name is Marvellous, but Marvi has always been a childhood nickname of mine. I’m happy being called either, although, in the acting world, I’m usually called Marvellous as well as modeling, etc., but I decided to have the nickname Marvi as a stage name for legal reasons might work haha since my name is a word, I might change it later on in the future. I’m not sure if it’s a permanent choice … but people closest to me have always had the nickname Marvi for me so it just kind of made sense.

Yh, definitely I feel like most people would understand that Marvi is a nickname for Marvellous as I assumed that immediately. What did it feel like recording ”In My Head” for the first time?


Honestly, the moment we started recording the song the connection I felt with the producer it was like he got the vision I was looking for instantly. I don’t usually have that experience with producers… I find that often they try to sort of mold you into their idea of what you should sound like. But this producer truly understood everything I was going for, and I can’t wait to work with him again! Definitely, my best experience in the studio was recording “ in my head”.

I’m so glad you had a good experience. I’m going to ask you a slightly more cheeky question you don’t have to answer, of course. In the industry often many artists have had some negative experiences, I was wondering if there was anything you wanted to enlighten us on?

Marvi : 

I mean there have been people who have made all sorts of false promises I won’t name any names. Still, I find it quite unfortunate that people and companies in the industry often take advantage of artists, especially at a time when we are all just trying to push out our deepest emotions into the world. I’m a strong believer in justice and the universe, so I know everything happens for a reason and no deed gets left unpunished… shall I say, but I do wish those people the best and hope in the future they do better with other artists or people they work with.

Can I just say I love that response? I won't ask for any of the details, but I definitely respect that. What’s your goal in terms of music for 2024?

Marvi : 

I’m hoping to have an EP out by then, or at the very least 3 singles. I have so many amazing songs I want to push out it’s just more about time management, money, promotion, and other projects but most definitely I will have music out really soon.

I definitely get that with the whole financing thing. You should be so proud of how much you’ve achieved with minimal help and stepping stones. I’m aware that you also act, write, and model - is that correct?


Yh I mean I've published a book called ‘Blink.’ You can find ‘Blink’ by Marvellous A in places like Waterstones. I sometimes write articles for companies. Also, I’m writing a few TV show scripts which I’m so excited to be turned into a series really soon. I'm so proud of what we as a team have come up with. I love acting, always have and always will. It allows me to connect to my emotions and channel things I didn’t even know I could channel, so I think I’m always going to be a creative person and y’all always see me up and about.

We love to see it yes Marvellous.

Ok, last question. Once again you don’t have to answer. Relationship drama. What inspired the lyrics of the song? I've been so excited to ask this, as I definitely relate.


Haha… I knew you were coming to that. I mean Iv definitely had some [not-so-great] experiences, so I’d say it’s inspired by more than one person. But definitely just the classic story of falling for someone and ending up you know, not being treated so great. I won’t spill into too much as I have more songs that go into much more detail that I’m so excited about.

Anything you can spill about the EP or the next release?


Hmm, a leopard never changes its spots!

Haha, I love that!!! I think it’s time to end the interview here, but I can’t wait to hear more of your songs soon. I definitely have “Seeking Heaven” and “In My Head” playing constantly on my playlist. I hope to have you back here soon! Guys, please follow @thisismarvi on Instagram, and we’ll see you soon. Bye 

Check out “In My Head” on your favorite streaming platform.




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